Welcome to Neo African Diaspora

We are an interactive multi-media forum focused on empowering African immigrants in the US and beyond. Through our blogs and podcast series, we examine the factors and trends affecting the well-being of African immigrants. We invite you to journey with us as we explore issues related to transnationalism and integration among African immigrant communities. 

In addition to putting out informative, thought-provoking, and entertaining content, we welcome contributions from everyone who has a keen interest in appreciating African immigrants. Whether you are an African immigrant or a researcher, policy maker, community leader, or entrepreneur seeking to engage with African immigrants, we are excited to learn and grow with you as we explore the amazing journeys of African immigrants in the US and beyond.


Latest Blogs

African Ethnic Products Market – A Rising Tide

As the population of African immigrants in Western countries continues to grow, a powerful consumer market is emerging. Demand...

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The Taboo of Not Going to College

Wisely so, Africans believe education is the key to a bright future. African immigrants expect their kids to go...

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Funeral Insurance, Anyone?

African funerals can be expensive. For neo-African diasporans, they have to contend with the cost of repatriating a body...

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The Language Inheritance Struggle

African immigrants in Western countries struggle to pass on their native language to their kids yet there are clear...

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Latest Podcast Episodes

Episode 9: Why unschooling?

In this episode, we discuss the concept of unschooling as an alternative way to educate...

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Episode 8: Immigration as a Pathway for Upward Mobility

In this episode, we discuss immigration as a pathway towards upward mobility for African immigrants...

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Episode 7: Do immigrant women do better than men?

In this episode, we debate the widely-held belief that African immigrant women acculturate faster and...

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Submit a Blog to Neo African Diaspora


As you read our blogs, we invite you to post your comments, let us know what resonates with you or complete a quick poll to weigh in on an issue. We also invite you to share your own blog on the issues we focus on as a way to enrich the conversation. See our blog submission guidelines (Click Here) to learn more.

Best Podcasts at Neo African Diaspora


We welcome you to review our podcast episodes and add your comments. Also, we are always looking for great podcast guests. If you are, or know someone who is, able to speak authoritatively on a relevant issue, please get in touch with us, we’d love to host you on our podcast.

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Support the African Immigrant Month Petition

As part of our quest to celebrate and empower African immigrants, Neo African Diaspora is spearheading a campaign to revive a bill that was introduced in the US Congress by Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-NY) in 2015-2016 to have the month of September designated by law as “African Immigrant Heritage Month” in the United States of America. Click here to view the petition.

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