“The person who has not traveled widely, thinks his or her mother is the only cook (the best cook)”
– African Proverb​

Our Podcast Episodes

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Episode 9: Why unschooling?

In this episode, we discuss the concept of unschooling as an alternative way to educate our kids as immigrants. African immigrants have strong faith in education but traditional schooling models may not work for everyone. We explore why unschooling is a concept worth considering.

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January 7, 2022

Episode 8: Immigration as a Pathway for Upward Mobility

In this episode, we discuss immigration as a pathway towards upward mobility for African immigrants moving to the West, the different stages in the immigration journey and the factors that influence success at each stage.

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December 17, 2021

Episode 7: Do immigrant women do better than men?

In this episode, we debate the widely-held belief that African immigrant women acculturate faster and have more upward socioeconomic mobility as compared to their male counterparts. But how true is this assertion?

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December 10, 2021

Episode 6: Are we ever going back?

In this episode, we reflect on a common mentality among neo-African diasporans where we assume that even though we have settled in the West as immigrants, we will eventually move back to Africa. While some people will eventually move back, signs are that majority of us will live more permanently in the West, more than we realize.

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December 3, 2021

Episode 5: Unpacking Integration

In this episode of the Neo African Diaspora podcast, we explore what immigrant integration entails and how immigrants experience and display various forms of acculturation.

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November 26, 2021

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